Canada Farm Pet Taxi Service
Collecting Dogs and Cats from all over Kent, London and further afield
Pet Taxi Rates
Charges vary according to distance and whether we have to enter the congestion zone. We will give you an indication of the cost when you make an enquiry.
Areas Covered
We are happy to collect your pets both locally and further afield. We make regular trips to London to bring both dogs and cats to their country holiday at Canada Farm.
If your pets have boarded with us previously, they will be collected by a staff member they know who will offer reassurance if necessary.
Booking the Taxi
To arrange for the Pet Taxi to collect your pet/s please contact us on 01474 704253, or email .
Collection and Delivery Times
We will try to tailor our collection and delivery times to suit you as much as possible.

Fred enjoying a cuddle

A sleepy Bertie & Gracie